Q & A

I am working hard to try and provide great quality products and spend a great deal of time asking questions to Brands and Manufacturers. So I understand why I get a lot of emails from potential customers, as I know there are a lot of CBD companies out there not delivering what they promise. Which is why their brands are not for sale on my website.

 I have put together some of the commonly asked questions from customers, along with my answers. However if you have a question which is not below, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am always keeping an eye on my phone and will be notified the moment an email comes through, so I will always do my best to respond as soon as possible.

Contact me HERE

My payment wont go through?

Although it is rare for my payment provider to miss out on any updates, at times Shopify will update or make changes to their system which can cause issues with my payment provider. If this ever happens, please just email me straight away and I can check to see what the error was (as it could be something like the wrong digit in the card number or exp date). If there is still an issue with getting you through the payment gateway, I can manually create your order and send you an invoice with a direct bank transfer

Is the packaging discreet?

 All packaging is a plain envelope and postage printout. There is no mention of my company or products inside on the package at all. I value discretion. Also there is no noticeable odour that comes from the package either.


Do the products get you High?

It is illegal to sell any cannabis products which contain Psychoactive. Although Hexa Canna (HHC) is not listed on the prohibited drugs act in the UK. There are some versions which still contain high amount of THC, which makes them illegal. I work hard to make sure my products are within UK law. With that said, some people have expressed feeling effects similar to being high when taking HHC that does not contain THC. So effects can vary from person to person. If you are wanting to avoid getting high but would like the calming effects of Cannabis, I would recommend my CBD listing, as I have a great selection that could meet your needs. If you are looking for something a little stronger, you could always start by trying the Eighty8 Vapes in the Hexa Canna section. The strongest products I currently have are the Hexa Canna Gummies Bears or Hexa Canna Chocolate, available in Milk, White or Dark. I would recommend only starting out with one piece if trying the gummies bears or chocolate for the first time.


If I place my order now, will I receive it tomorrow?

Any order placed before 15:00pm (3pm) Monday through to Friday with Royal mail special delivery, has a strong chance to make it to you the next day (depending on your location). I drop off orders twice a day. Morning drop-off is at 11:00am (11am) (this is to help ensure next day deliveries placed before this time arrive) and a 15:00pm (3pm), these orders can make it next day, but it will depend on your location. 

I continue working throughout the night on busy days, to make sure orders are ready for the next drop-off, so if you place an order before 16:15pm (4:15pm), there is a chance I'll still be able to drop it off at the post office, but it might not make it next day.

Orders placed after 16:30 will not be able not make it to the post office in time and will be processed and placed ready for the next day drop-off.

Saturdays, the post office closes at 12:00pm, which means orders placed before 11:00am (11am) on Saturdays will be processed and dropped off. However orders placed after 11:30am on Saturdays will not be dropped of at the post office until Monday morning, due to there being no collection until that time.


I will of course add more questions and answers over time, to try and help you make a purchase you are happy with. You can also check out my Trustpilot to read what other customers have thought about my products.